Allocation trade

Allocation Trade Applications can now be lodged electronically either through MyWater or at our Submit Application Forms page.

You can now edit the Form 39a - Authorise an Agent on screen before printing, signing and submitting it to your Water Corporation for processing.  This will make the forms easier to process and minimise errors.

  • Form 39  - Application to trade water allocation - each Form 39 opened has a unique application number, and can only be used once.
  • Form 39a - Authorise an Agent DELWP recommends that you fill this form in online and then print it for signing. Once processed, the nominated Agent will have online access to the specified ABA's for trading. This authority is recorded in the Victorian Water Register.
  • Form 39b - Limited Authorisation  of an Agent - This provides the nominated Agent limited authority. This is not recorded in the Victorian Water Register

Relinquishing allocation

Entitlement holders can now apply to relinquish allocation if they do not wish to carry over their unused water at the end of the season. There is no fee for this application.

  • Form 41 Application to relinquish allocation to reduce carry over volume
    Each Form 41 downloaded will have its own unique application number and cannot be photocopied for multiple applications.
     pdfDownload PDF How to relinquish allocation (PDF - 193 KB)

Allocation account management

Allocation Account Management Applications can now be lodged electronically either through MyWater or at our Submit Application Forms page.

Anyone can now apply for a new allocation account (ABA). There is no fee for this application. Registered 'My water' users may apply online. Follow the link to register or login at My Water

Alternatively you may apply to your water corporation on the approved application form provided below:

  • Form 43 Application for a new allocation account

In certain circumstances you may apply to amend the ownership of an allocation account. To amend the ownership of an ABA you will need to apply to your water corporation on the approved application form provided below. There is no fee for this application.

  • Form 44 Application to amend allocation account holders

Please note: All applications must be made using an approved forms. For the water corporation to accept the application forms that can be downloaded below, they must be clearly printed on white A4 paper in portrait format. Instructions for completing and submitting the forms are included as explanatory notes on the form.