There are important changes happening to 5 frequently used Victorian Water Register Application Forms, some of which may affect you directly.
Our focus has been to make the Forms easier to follow, faster to complete, less prone to error, and better for emailing. To that end we have revised the questions and sequence, started making editable PDFs and updated the privacy statement. The updated privacy statement will provide applicants with greater security and is a move towards greater online capability.
Key Dates
The current Forms will be replaced on the Victorian Water Register website on Monday 17 September 2018. We understand that you may already be in the process of completing an existing copy and accordingly, both new and old formats of these Forms will continue to be accepted until 31 December 2018. However, from 1 January 2019, the water corporations will only accept the new version of the Forms.
Emailing applications
Currently, some application Forms include a page for credit card details. These credit card details pages have been removed from the revised Forms. While you can email in the new forms, you will still need to contact the approving water corporation to process a payment directly with them so that they can process then the application.
Editable PDF Format
We are in the process making our forms editable PDFs. This will allow them to be completed on the screen in a clear, fast manner minimising errors and rework. Once completed they will still need to be printed to be executed.
Initially only Form 39a will be provided as editable PDF from Monday 17 September. We anticipate that the editable versions of the other Forms will be available in the coming weeks.
The Changes
So, which Forms to have been updated and what are the noticeable changes?
This can now only be used when a water share is being transferred by itself, ie when the water share is not being sold with land. If your customer is transferring their water share with land you must contact the water corporation.
The water corporation will then prepare a Form 55 - Land and Water Transaction. That Form is customised for the efficient processing of the transfer of water assets that are being sold with land
No significant change, but format aligned to other forms modified.
No significant change, but format aligned to other forms modified.
This Form now defaults to giving the authorised agent online access to the allocation account.
This form now allows the allocation account holders to nominate the accounts they wish to close.
In closing, we urge you to be aware of these changes and note that all of these Forms will continue to have small modifications over time. The most noticeable will be the shift to them all being editable PDFs. If you experience any issues using the Forms we would ask that you contact us in the first instance via email at