The Carryover Calculator is designed to help you understand how carryover rules currently work in northern Victoria and the Werribee system.

It allows you to explore how carryover and allocations affect the amount of water available under your entitlements in different scenarios.

Click below to launch the carryover calculator.


We recommend you use a modern web-browser like Firefox, Chrome or Safari to get the best experience of the calculator.

A user guide for the calculator is available below.

The document below includes announcements made by the Resource Manager in recent seasons. It can be used to help you explore scenarios in the calculator.

More information on the carryover rules is available here.

Disclaimer: The calculator will provide an accurate representation of the available water in each scenario, given the data you enter. However, you should not assume that results from the calculator actually represent how much water is currently in your allocation account. Any decisions to use or trade water from your account should be based on the volume currently in your account, which is available from your water corporation’s ordering system.