Discover how carryover works and how you can use it in your farm business.
A presentation to irrigators in northern Victoria by Joe Banks from DEPI's Water and Natural Resources explains the carryover rule changes of 2012 and shows how you can use the carryover calculator to work through your own scenarios.
Goulburn system dairy farmers Craig Lister and Don Stewart and Steve and Margot Henty on the Murray system talk about how they plan and manage carryover through drought and wetter years.
An overview of the main changes announced in 2012 from the review of carryover rules for the Murray, Goulburn & Campaspe systems.
How carryover rules work in the Murray, Goulburn & Campaspe systems, and how you can use the carryover calculator on the Victorian Water Register website to test your own scenarios and plan your water for next season.
A more detailed explanation of the Murray spill rule for carryover in the Victorian Murray from 1 July 2013.
Explaining the cap on carryover which started on the Goulburn and Campaspe systems in 2013, and comes in on the Murray system from 30 June 2014.
More about other changes - including allowing entitlement holders to relinquish unused allocation and new limits on trade between valleys.
Changes to the early reserve policy on the Goulburn and Murray systems announced in 2012.
Craig Lister, Don Stewart and Steve and Margot Henty describe their farm businesses and water entitlements.
How the farmers have used carryover since the drought and through wetter years.
Using carryover as insurance against dry conditions, late allocations or a dry start to the season in August. Risks of losing carryover when the dam spills and the need to understand the Hume-based spill rule on the Murray system.
Considering the Resource Manager's seasonal outlook, autumn conditions and prospects for spring watering, assets and resources, dam levels, feed costs and commodity prices.
Having a carryover plan and owning enough water share and a share of dam space.
The comfort of having water delivered early in the season so that water can be used most efficiently in spring to grow feed and get water onto the farm.
These videos are provided with support and funding from the Victorian Government through Linking Farms and Catchments to Modernisation and Growing Food and Fibre initiatives. These videos have been delivered primarily through partnerships between the Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Water Corporations, Catchment Management Authorities and other bodies, and include additional footage provided by Goulburn-Murray Water.