Groundwater refers to water occurring beneath the surface. It is typically accessed by a bore. Accessing groundwater for purposes other than domestic and stock use in Victoria requires a take and use licence, and a works licence to cover bore operation.

To download a Copy of Record for an existing groundwater take-and-use licence, or works licence, click here. A sample Copy of Record of a take-and-use licence can be viewed here.

To generate a report summarising the aquifers and groundwater salinity in any Victorian location visit the Groundwater Resource Reports page on the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action website.

Restrictions on entitlement

Use of groundwater resources in a defined management area may be restricted by orders made by the Minister for Water. Permissible Consumptive Volumes (PCVs) cap 

Use of groundwater resources in a defined management area may be restricted by orders made by the Minister for Water. Permissible Consumptive Volumes (PCVs) cap the total volume of licensed entitlement in an area, while a temporary qualification of rights restricts a licence holder's right to take water under that licence for a certain period. 

To view a PCV order that the Minister has issued, search for PCV at for the most recent information.