Do you want to find out more about making Victoria’s water markets work for your business - but don’t know where to start?

A two-part podcast series ‘Water. Unplugged’ to assist Victorian irrigators make the most of water markets has been produced by the Rural Press Club of Victoria, through a collaboration between the Victorian Farmers Federation, Murray Dairy, Australian Almond Board, Irrigated Cropping Council, Citrus Australia, Australian Table Grape Association.

Featuring ABC Rural’s Kath Sullivan, Aither Director Chris Olszak, Waterpool CEO Peter Lawford, northern Victorian irrigator Craig Reynolds and former chair of Dairy Australia, Geoff Akers. They explore the intricacies of Victoria’s water markets and provide practical insight and advice for irrigators, touching on the challenges, potential solutions, the most trusted resources and the most reliable sources of water market information.

To listen to the podcasts, click here

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