The Goulburn to Murray seasonal trade opportunity opening that was scheduled for 16 October 2023 is postponed.

We will have an update for you by Thursday 19 October 2023.

The Victorian Water Register has experienced performance issues over the last week. We are committed to making sure these issues are resolved before the important Goulburn to Murray trade opening therefore we are postponing while we investigate.

A revised date for the Goulburn to Murray October seasonal trade opening will be set for as soon as possible after the current situation has been resolved. At least one weeks' notice will be provided of the new trade opening date.

This means the planned outage to the Broker Portal and MyWater services will not take place. All Victorian Water Register online services will be available throughout Monday, 16 October 2022.

The Victorian Government is committed to ensuring all market participants can access trade opportunities.

If you have any questions, please contact us at