The release of the Goulburn to Murray Post Trade Opportunity Opening Report, December 2024, summarises the outcomes from this trade opening and consolidates information available via the Victorian Water Register website with some additional data around the number of unique allocation accounts that traded. It provides insights into the number, volumes and reason for trade for all applications submitted.
The December Goulburn to Murray trade opportunity opened on Monday 16 December at 7 am with an opening limit of around 9 GL.
During the 5-hour submission window between 7 am and 12 pm on 16 December, the Victorian Water Register received around 200 trade applications from market participants.
Eligible applications were then randomised to determine a processing order, and Goulburn-Murray Water and Lower Murray Water then began processing the applications in that processing order from 7 am on Tuesday 17 December 2024.
The Victorian Government is dedicated to providing transparency for water market participants and actively overseeing water market operations to ensure ongoing effectiveness. This report on the outcomes of the latest Goulburn to Murray trade opening aims to meet this goal and provide requested information to market participants.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) participated in the December trade opening as an independent observer. The ACCC observed the execution of the randomisation process and attested via written statement that the process was undertaken correctly, with no interference observed. This statement in addition to the post trade report can be found below.
PDF: Goulburn to Murray Post Trade Opportunity Opening Report (December 2024) (1.2 MB)
PDF: Australian Competition & Consumer Commission Statement (December 2024) (147 kb)
Victorian Water Register (VWR) users focus group launching in 2025
The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) values feedback and has committed to a review of the new randomisation approach (see our FAQs on the new approach). In line with this, DEECA intends to launch a new focus group for beneficiaries (users) of VWR online services (e.g. the My Water and Broker Portals), to provide increased opportunity for feedback about VWR services from water market participants and other VWR users. Expressions of interest will be sought in early 2025.