The July trade opportunity is scheduled for Monday 1 and Tuesday 2 July 2024. See below for essential information regarding the Barmah Choke Application Processing Protocol as well as closing and opening times.

If you require further information about any of the below information, reach out to the Victorian Water Register team on

Closing times

The Victorian Water Register, including MyWater and the Broker Portal, will close for end-of-year (EOY) processing at 5 pm Friday 28 June 2024. This closing time at the end of business working hours ensures that we can provide timely customer service while MyWater and the Broker Portal are open for trade activity.

If you are trading allocation before the end of the water year, please be aware of this important closing time. Complete information for application processing for end of the 2023–24 water year is available here.

Opening times

The Victorian Water Register, including MyWater and the Broker Portal, will open at 8:30 am on Monday 1 July 2024.

The MDBA Barmah Choke trade opportunity opens for submission on Monday 1 July 2024 at 8:30 am AEST.

The Goulburn to Murray / Broken Trade Out and NSW to Vic trade opportunity opens for submission on Tuesday 2 July 2024 at 8:30 am AEST.

Complete information for the start of the 2024–25 water year and trade opening times for July 2024 is available here.

Public webinar

The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) will host a public ‘July 2024 trade opening events’ webinar.

Date: 24 June 2024

Time: 12 pm (Midday)

Meeting: Join using this link and click here to download a reminder for your calendar.

Notes: The webinar will comprise a short presentation from the DEECA team, with moderated Q&A.

Trade opportunities from 1–2 July 2024 summary table

Trade limit

Opening time

Opening balance

Barmah Choke trade limit​

1 July 2024

Submission: 8:30 am – 9 am

Approximately 56,000 ML (please see MDBA announcement on opening Barmah Choke trade opportunity)​

Goulburn to Murray trade limit​

2 July 2024

Submission: 8:30 am – 9 am

Approximately 80,000 ML (actual opening balance will be available on the Victorian Water Register 'Where can I trade' webpage when submissions open at 8:30 am 2 July 2024) 

Broken Trade Out Limit​

2 July 2024

Submission: 8:30 am – 9 am

1,500 ML​


8:30 am 1 July 2024

For the Goulburn, Upper Goulburn and Campaspe, at 10 am AEST on 1 July 2024, the Northern Victoria Resource Manager (NVRM) will make allocation announcement to entitlements historically traded out as exchange-rate trade.

NSW to VIC trade limits​

2 July 2024

Lesser of a net annual volume of 200,000 ML or a volume that keeps the risk of spill from Victoria’s share of Hume and Dartmouth reservoirs below 50%​.

Intra-zone trade

8:30 am 1 July 2024

N/A (no limit on intra-zone trade).

Updated information about the Barmah Choke application processing protocol and information about trade openings can be found in the links below.

PDFPDF: Frequently Asked Questions – July Trade Opening 2024 (224 kb)

PDFPDF: Victorian Water Register MyWater and Broker Portal: Frequently Asked Questions about applying during trade openings (233 kb)

pdfPDF: Barmah Choke application processing protocol for July 2024 and Frequently Asked Questions V2 (198.63 kb)